
Monday 28 July 2014

The British Tag

Hey guys!

I know this is not beauty related but I've seen lots of people doing it so I thought it would be fun. In case you didn't know already, I am British - 100% English and very proud to be so. I was very excited when I saw this tag circling around so I thought I'd have a go!

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? + How many sugars?

I loveeee tea, especially green tea, but I don't drink it as much as I would like. I would say I have around 1-2 cups on a daily basis and 2 sugars (sweet tooth right here).

2. Favourite part of a Sunday roast?

This may shock you, as it is a huge tradition especially here in England, but I don't actually really like Sunday roasts. I will eat it on Sundays as my Mum usually makes it but I'm not the biggest fan. If I had to pick my favourite part though it would probably be the gravy, or the vegetables. 

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?

I don't usually dunk biscuits, but I do really really like those shortbread fingers you get, yummmm. Those dipped in coffee or tea = perfection. 

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

I think mine has to be fish and chips. I love love love sitting by the sea eating fish and chips from the chip shop. 

5. Favourite word/phrase?

Hmmm.. mine would probably be 'blimey!'. If you are not from the UK, 'blimey' is basically a way to say 'Oh my gosh!' or another word I have heard used in the same context is 'crikey!' it can be used to show that you are shocked, excited or just genuine disbelief. I just love the ring to it and thing it is such a funny word. 

6. Cockney rhyme slang?

I don't many, I know Apples & Pears = Stairs and Tom & Dick = Sick.

7. Favourite sweet?

Oh my gosh, guys, if you know me, I like pretty much every sweet. I think if I really had to pick one, it would probably be Haribos, especially Tangfastics, they are fizzy, sweet goodness. 

8. What would your pub be called?

I think as I abosultley love my dalmatian Henry it would be something to do with him... maybe The Spotted Paw?! Yeah I'm not really very creative haha.

9. No.1 British person

I think mine would have to be Ellie Goulding as I love her music or actor/actress wise.... Helena Bonham Carter or Catherine Tait, love their work. 

10. Favourite shop / restaurant

Shop would probably be H&M or Miss Selfridge, although I know H&M is not British and is in the States and all over Europe. My favourite restaurant is probably Pizza Express, yummm. 

11. What british song pops into your head?

All Queen songs pop into my head, like 'Don't stop me nowww, because I'm have having such a good timeeee' love that song!

                                                              12. Marmite? 

Yes yes yes I love Marmite. Not on everything like some people do, but on toast it's delicious!

Thankyou for reading!

If your brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.

Sunday 27 July 2014


Hi guys!!
So...I'm back. I'm back from my break of the world of the internet. I have had so much fun but have missed writing posts for you guys. But don't worry, as it is now the Summer Holidays, there will be a lot lot lot more posts coming your way.
As you may know I have been on two trips, one to France with school and one to Cornwall with my family of which I returned from yesterday afternoon. I thought I would share with you a few pictures of my time in France. No pictures of me, or my friends, or any faces but a few which I feel capture the beauty of where we visited in France.

I know it's short and simple but I hope you enjoyed! See you in a post very very soon..
This weeks favourite people;
When you're afraid to keep going, remember why you started.

Sunday 13 July 2014

My Faves; Soap & Glory

Hey guys!
So today I thought I would try something a little different and write a post focusing on a particular brand. I have loved Soap & Glory for a while now and they really did set off my love for beauty in general. They have some amazing products and I'm going to show you some of my favourites!
I love this hand gel. It is not too sticky but just the right consistency, and smells amazing. It is a gorgeous floral, sweet scent (don't quote me on that, I am not one for describing scents). It keeps my hands clean like a hand sanitizer is supposed to do and leaves them smelling gorgeous.
I love this eyeliner so much I wrote a whole blogpost on it (read that here). It just so long lasting and so easy to apply. I find flicks very easy to master with this pen and I just really couldn't live with out it now.
I love the signature Soap & Glory scent, and this is exactly that, in a bottle. It's just so gorgeous and is so unique but is perfect for all year round and I love it. The packaging on this product is stunning as well.
This scrub is amazing. It isn't too harsh on the skin and when used in the shower or bath, foams up into a white, milky consistency. The beads in this scrub are not too rough and it adds some moisture to the skin as well, I feel.
This is one of my holy grail beauty products, maybe THE holy grail product. I use it everyday and have already been through two this year. I have it in the shade Love Is Blonde and it  matches my brows perfectly. I actually did a post on my Brow Routine here, but am thinking of doing an updated one as I have changed things up a bit.
I don't use a lot of hand cream but this one I love. It is not two thick but adds just the right amount of  moisture into your hands. I have very dry skin and use this all year round, the mini version is very handy to keep in your bag when out and about.
Thank you for reading!
This weeks favourite people;
Carrie Hope Fletcher
Success doesn't just come and find you, you have to go out and get it.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Summer Lovin' Tag

Hi guys!
Today I thought I would do a tag post for you. Recently the amazing Fleur De Force created her own tag based on summer and I loved the questions so I thought I would answer them for you.
1. Summer lipstick you're loving?
There is no particular lipstick I've been loving, but I have been loving the Maybelline Color Sensational Gloss in Stellar Berry 360. It is gorgeous and looks amazing on the lips.

2. Summer nail polish you're loving?
I have been loving the Barry M Hi Shine Gel Effect Nail Polish in Papaya. You guys might have heard me talk about this before as I love it and is a very bright, summery colour.

3. Bikini you're loving this summer?
I haven't rocked any bikinis out yet. But I did recently pick a striped one up from Primark which I cannot wait to wear this summer.

4. Favourite summer Frappuccino from Starbucks?
My absolute favourite Frappuccino from Starbucks (I am a coffeeoholic so I like the majority of Starbucks drinks) is the Caramel Frappuccino. It's just so sweet and creamy and I drink them all year round, no matter if it's summer or not.

5. Favourite fake tan?
I am not one to go all out there for fake tan but I do really like the Rimmel Sunshimmer Instant Tan in Light Matte. It's not too full on, but adds a subtle tan so that you don't look like a ghost like me, haha.

6. Favourite summer song?
This isn't particularly summery but I have recently been loving Paramore - Last Hope. Paramore are one of my favourite bands as I love Hayley Williams and that song just takes me away and I just love listening to it.

7. Favourite summer accessory?
I have been loving my sunglasses recently. I mentioned them in my June Favourites. They are the Black Contrast Retro Sunglasses from New Look and are gorgeous. It's very important to protect your eyes from the sun as well as your skin and these also just put an outfit together very nicely I feel.

8. Favourite summer fragrance/perfume?
I have been loving the Soap & Glory Mist You Madly Body Spray. This is quite a floral scent but is quite sweet at the same time and is very summery, I have been loving to just throw it in my bag for a spritz when needed.

9. Summer book you're loving?
I have recently finished reading Paper Aeroplanes by Dawn O' Porter. I love Dawn, she is such an inspirational person and her books are even better! This book completely sees into the eyes on 15 year old girls and is told beautifully. I was completely hooked when reading it and am very much looking forward to reading the sequel!
10. What are you most excited to do this summer?
Just hanging around with friends and family really. I love just getting to hang with my family and friends and just relax and catch up. Also I am going on a school trip to France on Tuesday and a few of my best friends are going and I am really looking forward to it!
Thank you so much for reading guys!
This weeks favourite people;
Marcus Butler
Just be you, be who you want to be, not who others want to see.

Saturday 5 July 2014

June Favourties

Hey guys!
I am going to try my best to post frequently in the next week, as from the 14th to the 26th July I am going on two short holidays with only one day in between and I can not guarantee there will be internet there. I will try and take some pictures, I am going to France and Cornwall and hopefully post them when I get back as then it will be the summer holidays and I will have an endless amount of free time.
 As I think I have only done one favourites post on this blog, I thought it was time I did another.
I love this eye shadow quad, particularly because it has a primer and cream highlighter. A perfect all I in one product. I would say that I used the matt brown eye shadow the most, all over the lid and in the crease sometimes, just to give a very subtle smoky look. The eye shadows don't crease on my eyes and it is super cheap at £3.99.
This brush was unbelievably cheap at only £2.00, but I really needed a new eye shadow brush so I thought I would try it out, I wasn't expecting much. Oh my god guys, this brush is amazing. It is so soft, as well as being able to pack eye shadow onto the eyes incredibly well. This with my NYC palette have been my must haves this month and now I can not live without them.
As summer is here, I needed some new more summery converse as my current ones are the high top white ones which I don't think really suit dresses, skirts or shorts. I picked these up and first of all, I love love love the colour. Burgundy/maroon is one of my favourite colours and I think it looks so nice in shoes like converse. They are so comfy and I can already tell I am going to get so much wear out of them.
I love these sunglasses. I think the frames suit my face shape really well and I really love the touch of blue on the arms. They are simple but I think are different as well as being incredibly cheap. They have UV protection, obviously as I would not buy sunglasses without that, so that's a bonus. I just love these so much and had to include them!
Thank you so much for reading, it means so much!!
This weeks favourite people;
Marcus Butler
'To anyone that told you you're no good, they're no better' Hayley Williams
Gabby x